«La bibliografia dei campi di concentramento in URSS ci appare molto squilibrata, sul piano sia cronologico sia geografico. Quando osserviamo l’insieme di questa bibliografia, notiamo anzitutto che è suddivisa in due parti ineguali. Per una sessantina d’anni, dagli anni venti alla fine degli anni ottanta, i testi sui campi sono piuttosto rari e vengono pubblicati quasi unicamente in Occidente. Al contrario, a partire dalla perestrojka, si assiste a una vera esplosione di testi sul Gulag, pubblicati prevale in Russia, e questa nuova produzione ha già superato tutto quanto era stato pubblicato nel periodo precedente, sia per quantità sia per ricchezza d’informazione.»
da “Aspetti e problemi della bibliografia del Gulag” di Hélène Kaplan, in Gulag, storia e memoria Universale Economica Feltrinelli, Milano , 2004
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Ricerca avanzata
- Autore:Lachman, Felikstitolo:I was a Gulag prisoner (1939-1942).Data:1991Pubblicazione:London, Caldra House, 1991, IX, 100 p.Note:Memoirs and testimonies;Parole chiavi:noTipo:Pubblicato in URSS:
- Autore:Larina-Bucharina, Anna Michajlovnatitolo:Nezabyvaemoe.Data:1989Pubblicazione:Moskva, APN, 1989, 368 p.Note:It is impossible to forget. - Memoirs of the wife of N.I.Bucharin. Contains chapters on the imprisonment in the Soviet camps of members of the families of "enemies of the people".Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Special camps - ALŽIR; Political repression in the USSR - Communists;Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:yes
- Autore:Larsen, O.titolo:Nightmare of the Innocents.Data:1955Pubblicazione:London: Melrose, 1955. - 240 p. N.Y.: Philosophical Library, 1957. - 240 p.Note:The author, a Norwegian fischer, fled to the USSR in 1940, but was arrested in Murmansk ans sent in Norway. Returned to the USSR after the war, he was arrested again and sentenced to 10 years in a camp. He was freed in 1954.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR - Foreigners in the Gulag - Norwegians;Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Larsen, Ottotitolo:Nightmare of the innocents. Intr. By Haavard HaavardsholmData:1955Pubblicazione:London, Mimrose, 1955, 240 p., ill., maps.Note:The author, a Norwegian, spent 10 years (till 1954) in the Soviet camps.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Foreigners -Norwegians;Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Lavi, Has.Z.titolo:Moscova nu crede in lacrimi [Moskva slezam ne verit]. Inchiscara cea mare..Data:1972Pubblicazione:Ierusalim, the author, 1972, 244 pNote:Memoirs of a Jew of Bessarabia. The fate of the population of Bessarabia under the Soviet occupation, the deportation in the Soviet Union, the camps.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Foreigners - Jews; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Foreigners - Romanians;Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Lehmus, Atitolo:Suomalaiset kommunistit ita-karjalasa.Data:1958Pubblicazione:Tampere, Hameen kirjapaino, 1958, 136 p.Note:The author, a Finnish Communist, went to the USSR after the Revolution of 1917, and was served in the Red Army in the 20s. He was arrested in Leningrad in 1933, imprisoned in various Soviet camps and managed to escape to Finland.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR - Foreigners - Finns; Camps and prisons in the USSR; Political repression in the USSR - Communists;Tipo:noPubblicato in URSS:
- Autore:Lengyel, Joszeftitolo:Le Pain amer. Transl. du hongrois par Tbor Tardos.Data:1966Pubblicazione:Paris, Denoel, 1966, 205 p.Note:Autobiographical stories by a Hungarian communist, who went with Béla Kun to the Soviet Union. Arrested in 1937, he was deported to Siberia till 1954.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Foreigners - Hungarians; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Siberia; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Communists;Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Leonhard, Suzannetitolo:Gestöhlenes Leben. Schicksal einer politischen Emigrantin in der Sowjetunion.Data:1956Pubblicazione:Frankfurt a.M., Europaische Verl., 1956, 851 p., maps.Note:A German Communist emigree in the Soviet Union in 1935, the author was arrested in 1936 and spent 12 years in the prisons of Moscow, in the camps of Vorkuta and in exile in the Altai region. Released in 1948.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Foreigners - Germans; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Communists; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Vorkuta (Komi ASSR); Camps and prisons in the USSR - Altaj;Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Leoni, Pietro, S.J.titolo:Spia del Vaticano. Préf. di Piero Bargellini. 2da ediz.Data:1959Pubblicazione:Roma, Ed.Cinque lune, 1959, 478 p., ill.Note:Camps and prisons in the USSR - Foreigners - Italians; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Catholics;Parole chiavi:Memoirs and testimonies;Tipo:noPubblicato in URSS:
- Autore:Lermolo, Elizabethtitolo:Face of a victim. Transl. from the Russian by J.D.W.Talmadze with a foreword by Alexandra TolstoyData:1955Pubblicazione:New York, Harper, 1955, VIII-311 p.Note:Arrested after the murder of Kirov, the author was detained in various Soviet prisons (she was interrogated by Stalin himself), from 1934 to 1942.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR;Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Lesnjak, Boris Nikolaevičtitolo:Ja k vam prišël!Data:1998Pubblicazione:Magadan, OAO "MAOBTI", 1998, 296 p., ill.Note:I have come to see you! - Memoirs of the author, who was a doctor in the hospital of Sevvostlag (Magadan).Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR - Physicians and other members of medical professions in the Gulag; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Sevvostlag (Far East, Magadan);Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:yes
- Autore:Levenštejn, G.R, (pseud.Jonston)titolo:Za rešetkoj i koljučej provolokoj.Data:1999Pubblicazione:Joškar-Jola, Marijsk. Poligraf.izdat.kombinat, 1999, 893 p., ill.Note:The author was arrested in 1941 and sent to the Kazlag prison (Kazan'). After that he was a "specpereselenec" in the Mari ASSR.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR Camps and prisons in the USSR - Foreigners in the Gulag; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Prisons - Kazlag (Kazan');Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Levenštejn, G.R.titolo:Marijskij lesopoval : vračom za koljučej provolokoj.Data:1999Pubblicazione:Joškar-Jola, Marijsk. Poligraf.izdat.kombinat, 1999, 293 p., ill.Note:The timber forests of Mari : a doctor behind the barbed wire. - 2nd part of the author's autobiography : his life as a "specpereselenc" in the forest works of the Mari ASSR in 1945-1962.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR - Foreigners in the Gulag; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Mari ASSR;Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:yes
- Autore:Levine, Isaac Dontitolo:"Gulag"-Slavery, inc., the documented map of forced labor camps in Soviet Russia.Data:1951Pubblicazione:[Norwalk, Conn.,] 1951, 1 map. Scale 1:20000000.Note:Camps and prisons in the USSR;Parole chiavi:Documents and maps;Tipo:noPubblicato in URSS:
- Autore:Levinson, Galina Ivanovnatitolo:Vsja naša žizn'. Vospominanija i rasskazy, zapisannye eju. Izd. podgotovila O. Blinkina, E.Velikanova. Pred. N.G.Ochotin.Data:1996Pubblicazione:Moskva, Memorial, 1996, 160 p.Note:Our whole life. Memoirs and stories, noted by her. - The author emigrated as a child, with her mother, to the United States, then returned to the Soviet Union in the thirties. She was arrested as a relative of an "enemy of the people" and imprisoned in the camp of the Temnikovskij rajon (Mordovskaja ASSR);Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Temnikovskij (Mordovskaja ASSR);Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:yes
- Autore:Levitin-Krasnov, Anatolij Emmanuilovičtitolo:Ruk tvoich žar'. 1941-1956.-Data:1979Pubblicazione:Tel-Aviv, Krug, 1979, 478 p.Note:The author was deported from 1949 to 1956.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR;Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Levora, Vladimir, Dvorakova, Zoratitolo:Ze stalinskych gulagu do Českoslovenkého vojska.Data:1993Pubblicazione:Praha, Hribal, 1993, 248 p.Note:From the Stalin's Gulag to the Cechoslovak army.- The author, a young Czech, fled to Poland after the German occupation of Czechoslovakia. He was arrested by the Soviets and sent to Vorkuta, but was freed and rejoined the Czechoslovak detachment in the Soviet army.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR - Vorkuta; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Foreigners in the Gulag - Czechs;Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Lewytzky, Borystitolo:L'opposizione politica nell'Unione Sovietica. Transl. dal tedesco di Aldo Audisio.Data:1973Pubblicazione:Milano, Rusconi, 1973, 400 p.Note:Contains a list of political prisoners.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR; Political repression in the USSR - Resistance;Tipo:Studies; Documents and maps;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Lias, Geoffreytitolo:I survived. Told by Geoffrey Lias.Data:1954Pubblicazione:London : Evans, 1954, 224 p.Note:The author is an Austrian, who was imprisoned in Latvia and in Kazachstan from 1934 to 1945.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR - Foreigners in the Gulag - Austrians;Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Lichačëv, Dimitrij Sergeevičtitolo:Vospominanija. Izd.2-e, pererab.Data:1997Pubblicazione:Spb, Logos, 1997, 608 p.Note:Memoirs of the historian D.S.Lichačev on his deportation to the Solovki Islands (he had participated in the 20s in a students' group).Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR - Solovki Islands;Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:yes
- Autore:Lipinska, Grazynatitolo:Jesli zapomne o nich.Data:1988Pubblicazione:Paris, Spotkania, 1988, 462 p., pl., photNote:A militant of the Armia Krajowa, the author was arrested in 1944 and sent to the camp of Suchobezvodnoe. She was freed in 1956.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR - Foreigners - Poles; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Women in the camps; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Unžlag (Gor'kij, region, Suchobezvodnoe);Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Lipper, Elinortitolo:Onze ans dans les bagnes soviétiques. Transl. de l'allemand par Guy Vinatrel.Data:1950Pubblicazione:Paris, Nagel, 1950, 272 p., maps.Note:Uniform title : : Elf Jahre in Sowjetischen Gefangnissen und Lagern. The author, a Belgian, arrived in the Soviet Union in 1937. Arrested two months later, she spent 11 years in various prisons and camps in the Kolyma region.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Foreigners - Belgians; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Kolyma (Far East);Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Ljuba, Ju.B.titolo:Vospominanija.Data:1998Pubblicazione:Spb., NIC Memorial , 1998, 249, ill., portr.Note:The author was arrested in 1938 because of his participation in an anti-Soviet youth organisation. He was released in 1948 after a sojourn in the camps of White Sea canal, Kotlas, Kargopol. Arrested a second time in 1950, he was sent to the Turuchan region. Rehabilitated in 1956.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR - Kotlas; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Krasnojarsk; Resistance and protests;Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:yes