Who controls the past controls the future… | by Sally Gimson

Rewriting history is a global trend as governments seek to persuade people to believe their versions of events, says Sally Gimson

Who controls the past controls the future…: Fall in line or be in the firing line is the message historians are receiving from governments around the world – Sally Gimson, 2018

Rewriting history is a global trend as governments seek to persuade people to believe their versions of events, says Sally Gimson

“IF THE PARTY could thrust its hand into the past and say of this or that event ‘it never happened’ – that, surely, was more terrifying than mere torture and death?” This was George Orwell, 70 years ago in his novel Nineteen Eighty-Four.

What Orwell feared is happening now. Authoritarian governments in all corners of the world are trying to construct their own version of the past, passing laws that make their versions of history the only ones allowed – and in some cases locking up historians who challenge them.

Governments in eastern Europe and Russia let go of the historical narrative for a while and allowed history to be written by individuals, civil society groups and others. For a short time after the fall of the Berlin Wall, they followed the example of countries such as Germany, which has spent much of the last 70 years coming to terms with its Nazi past.

But in the past year alone, we have seen historians sacked from museums and cultural boards in Poland, archives closed down in Hungary and Western funders of historical and civil society groups, such as George Soros, potentially barred from their home countries. In Russia, Turkey and Iran, there have been recent cases of historians detained or locked up.

Yury Dmitriev is a historian from the west of Russia, on the Finnish border. He made it his life’s work to identify the people executed on Joseph Stalin’s orders and buried in mass graves in the woods around his home in Sandarmokh. He has been so successful that 90% of the people murdered have now been identified. His work has been part of a project – led by a group, aptly called Memorial – which seeks to make sure that the past is remembered everywhere in Russia.

But the Russian authorities have decided they want to bury that bloody history and Memorial and Dmitriev with it. The official claim now backed up by bogus historical “evidence” is that the bodies which litter the woods are Russian prisoners of war, shot by the Finns. Dmitriev was prosecuted on trumped-up child pornography charges – of which he was cleared – and is now being detained for “assessment” on psychiatric grounds.

John Crowfoot, a British translator who has been gathering support for Dmitriev, told Index the persecution was part of a nationalist push by the government to reassert Russian greatness.

“Partly they want to refer to a great Soviet past. One of the aspects of that is the defeat of Germany and Stalin as the great leader, not a monster or a war criminal,” he said.

Jan Kubik, professor of Slavonic and East European Studies at London’s UCL, is not surprised about the return of authoritarianism in Russia and the persecution of historians. But he is particularly distressed about the populist nationalism emerging in Poland and Hungary.

“You have pretty remarkable change in both Hungary and Poland with the rise of right-wing populist governments. In both cases they explicitly announced some time ago that they were going to produce valid memories, valid historical knowledge, that will be of a specific ideological bent,” he said. “… They will be cherry-picking those elements from the past that show those histories of those nations in the best possible light.”

Kubik details other ways the Polish government is attempting to control history (see p35). For instance, the director of the Museum of the Second World War in Gdansk, Paweł Machcewicz, was sacked soon after its opening because the government did not consider the museum to be patriotic enough. It was revolutionary in its concept. It detailed not just Polish suffering but also the suffering of civilian populations throughout the world.

“It’s true every government tries to participate in any subject on any topic, including the past, including the way history should be taught, including the way history should be presented in various visual displays and performances and so on,” he said. “The key question is to what degree the government and the governmental vision is dominant; to what degree does the government make an effort to limit other voices and try to make its own voice exclusive, or at least dominant?”

Peter Mandler, who was until last year president of the UK’s Royal Historical Society, told Index that authoritarian regimes always want to have control over the past and to control the narrative.

In India, too, Mandler said, history was being rewritten to favour the Hindu nationalist government. He cites the case of US-based academic Wendy Doniger. Her book, Hindus: an Alternative History, was withdrawn from circulation and pulped by Penguin India after pressure from the Indian government, which considered it too favourable to Muslims.

And the list of countries dipping into authoritarianism and, by doing so, attempting to control the past goes on.

In Bangladesh, a new digital security law was proposed this year that would criminalise anyone spreading “negative propaganda” about the 1971 Liberation War or the assassinated founder of the Bangladesh nation, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the father of the current prime minister.

In Mexico, the army long denied responsibility for the Tlatelolco student massacre of 1968. And the government tried to deny culpability for the shooting of 41 students in 2014 who were on their way to commemorate the massacre. The government called its version of events the “historic truth”.

And then there is Turkey, where about 50,000 people have been thrown into jail since the failed coup in July 2016. Although there are no specific figures for historians, academics are fleeing the country, and some 698 have applied to the New York-based Scholars at Risk to be moved abroad.

Andrew Finkel, one of the founders of the Turkish independent journalism platform P24, told Index: “It is very difficult to cross the lines of official history, although those lines are not constant. After early years of denouncing their Ottoman past, the current generation now embraces it, even at the expense of the once veneration of the founder of the republic, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.”

The fear is that, in some countries, the triumph of liberal democracy – of a way of seeing the world which allowed for multiple narratives of history – was short-lived.

And there are fears that liberal democracy is faltering even in the USA and Europe, with the new patriotism of Donald Trump and the rise of European nationalism.

Steven Levitsky, co-author of the recent book How Democracies Die, told Index that the defenders of democracy are weaker than before, and that may be why countries feel emboldened to rewrite history.

“I do think that the weakening and delegitimising of American democracy will weaken the protection of intellectuals and journalists elsewhere. The US and Europe remain important promoters of civil and human rights globally, so as they weaken and lose prestige, so to an extent does the cause of human rights. And with the US government praising and embracing nationalist autocrats, it gets worse.”

Antoon de Baets, professor of history, ethics and human rights at the University of Groningen, and head of the Network of Concerned Historians, which maps the persecution of historians across the world, is a little more upbeat. He said regimes have always sought to censor historians, but that history always won in the end.

“Shoot the historians when you fear their history – this is what some regimes have done throughout the centuries,” he said.

“Lamentably, the present age is no exception; it even has the worst record. In myriad ways, the outcome of the historian’s work can damage those happening to hold power and, therefore, history is always potentially threatening. History producers are fragile but in the end, and with some luck, their views may survive the regimes that killed or censored them.”


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28 dicembre 2024. Un bagliore di speranza per il 2025: l’attivista politica Zarifa Sautieva è libera!

Per concludere l’anno riceviamo una bellissima notizia che ci riempie di speranza. Il 28 dicembre l’attivista politica ed ex vice direttrice del complesso memoriale delle vittime delle repressioni Zarifa Sautieva è stata rilasciata dalla colonia penale femminile di Zelonokumsk. Zarifa era stata condannata ingiustamente a sette anni e sei mesi di colonia penale per il “caso Inguscezia”, ai sensi degli articoli sull’uso della forza nei confronti di rappresentanti delle autorità e partecipazione ad attività estremiste. Zarifa aveva partecipato il 27 marzo 2019 a Magas a una manifestazione di protesta contro la modifica del confine amministrativo tra Inguscezia e Cecenia. A settembre, la Corte europea dei diritti dell’Uomo ha accolto il ricorso di Satieva e degli avvocati di Memorial affermando che durante le indagini le forze dell’ordine avevano agito con violenza nei confronti di Zarifa. L’avvocato Magomed Bekov ha commentato così la sua liberazione: “È una grandissima gioia per il nostro popolo, un regalo per l’anno nuovo a tutta la comunità! Sono sicuro che una grande parte dell’Inguscezia attendeva questo giorno e noi continuiamo ad aspettare la liberazione degli altri nostri prigionieri politici. Zarifa si trova in ottime condizioni, almeno per quanto abbiamo potuto vedere. Era di buon umore, stava bene, scherzava e sorrideva”. L’ultima dichiarazione di Zarifa si può trovare nel nostro libro Proteggi le mie parole.   Memorial continua a lottare per tutte le persone ingiustamente detenute nelle carceri e nelle colonie penali russe.


In ricordo di Eduard Kuznecov (1939-2024).

Il 22 dicembre 2024 è mancato Eduard Kuznecov, scrittore e giornalista dissidente. “Scrivo solo per conservare il mio volto. Il campo di concentramento è un ambiente orribile, umiliante, è la consapevole creazione di condizioni tali che l’uomo, ricacciato di continuo nell’angolo, comincia a dubitare dell’utilità di ubbidire alla propria verità e si convince che esiste solo la verità della biologia, l’adattamento”. Eduard Kuznecov nasce a Mosca nel 1939. Nel 1961 è arrestato per la prima volta e condannato a sette anni di reclusione per propaganda antisovietica. Nel 1970 è processato per avere tentato, insieme a un gruppo di ebrei russi dissidenti, di dirottare un aereo verso Israele e condannato alla pena di morte. Grazie alla pressione dell’opinione pubblica internazionale la pena è poi commutata in quindici anni di reclusione in un campo di lavoro a regime speciale in Mordovia. All’inizio degli anni Settanta i suoi diari, usciti clandestinamente dalla Russia, vengono pubblicati in Occidente. Nel 1979 è rilasciato ed emigra in Israele. Tra 1983 e 1990 collabora con Radio Liberty. Nel 1992 è tra i fondatori del quotidiano in lingua russa ‘Vesti’. Nelle pagine dei suoi diari, fatti uscire clandestinamente dal campo di lavoro e miracolosamente giunti nelle mani di Andrej Sacharov, Eduard Kuznecov descrive le degradanti condizioni di vita dei prigionieri e riflette lucidamente sui mali che minano il sistema giudiziario sovietico e i meccanismi di coercizione che regolano uno stato totalitario.


28 novembre 2024. Sergej Davidis inserito nella lista degli estremisti e terroristi.

Il 28 novembre 2024 Sergej Davidis, copresidente del Centro per la difesa dei diritti umani Memorial, è stato inserito nella “lista degli estremisti e dei terroristi” stilata da Rosfinmonitoring, agenzia federale russa per il monitoraggio delle operazioni finanziarie, con una postilla su un suo “coinvolgimento nel terrorismo”. Inoltre il 5 dicembre il tribunale Ljublinskij di Mosca ha ricevuto la documentazione relativa all’apertura di un procedimento amministrativo. La documentazione ha permesso di comprendere che nei confronti di Davidis è stata emessa una denuncia amministrativa per partecipazione alle attività di un’“organizzazione indesiderata”. Davidis ha anche ricevuto una comunicazione scritta con la quale gli è stato richiesto di presentarsi in procura per fornire spiegazioni e prendere conoscenza della possibilità di dover rispondere a responsabilità amministrativa. Come si evince dalla lettera, l’indagine della procura è legata a materiali di Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, indicata in Russia come organizzazione indesiderata. Sembra si faccia riferimento a interviste rilasciate da Sergej Davidis o a suoi commenti sui canali di Radio Free Europe. Con ogni probabilità il procedimento contro Davidis è legato alle sue attività: difendere i prigionieri politici, organizzare il sostegno e richiamare l’attenzione sulla loro situazione in Russia e nel mondo. Non si tratta del primo episodio di repressione nei confronti del copresidente del Centro Memorial nel 2024. A marzo il ministero della giustizia ha dichiarato Memorial “agente straniero”. Ad agosto il Roskomnadzor, servizio per la supervisione delle comunicazioni, della tecnologia dell’informazione e dei mass media della Federazione Russa, ha formalizzato un’accusa per violazione da parte di Davidis delle regole di marcatura in quanto “agente straniero”, indicando otto post apparsi sul suo canale Telegram. A settembre gli è stata comminata una multa di 30.000 rubli. Sergej Davidis ha dichiarato: “Non sono a conoscenza di motivi specifici per aprire nuovi procedimenti. E quale delle mie attività – la co-presidenza del Centro Memorial o la direzione del programma di sostegno ai prigionieri politici – ne sia la ragione. Ma non c’è dubbio che questi nuovi fatti sono un segno dell’attenzione dello Stato nei confronti del nostro lavoro. Ma noi, naturalmente, continueremo a lavorare.”
