Intervista a Svetlana Gannuskina sull' "ispezione" a Memorial di Mosca

Svetlana Gannushkina: We at Civic Assistance were visited by officials from the prosecutor’s office together with representatives of the tax authorities, the Ministry of Justice and the Federal Migration Service. And the Ministry of the Interior. In total, there were six people: three from the prosecutor’s office and one each from the Ministry of Justice and the Tax Service – and one from the Moscow Federal Migration Service (FMS) who, for some reason, went to the Olympic Village instead of to Olympic Prospekt, which explains why he was very late late.

He was a thoroughly awful man, who came into the premises, greeted no-one, and went to check the documents of all ‘non-Russians.’ Moreover, those were the very words he said, “Now I will check the documents of all the non-Russians.”

I asked him to come into my office, but he refused. He saw a man sitting behind a desk and began to check his documents.

This was our translator – an Afghan. The FMS official rushed towards him, demanding that he produce his passport. He was overjoyed on hearing that he did not have a passport with him, and said, “Here’s someone who has no documents!”

He did not, at first, really want to speak to me at all, to explain what he was going to do and on what basis.

He later we managed with great difficulty to get him to understand that the passport of a citizen of Afghanistan who has refugee status is stored at the offices of the Federal Migration Service. He did not know.

Yes, an official of the FMS did not know this. And he began to insist that this does not happen. Then he was also shown the refugee certificate issued by the FMS which states that this was a receipt for the passport, with a signature. He then asked to phone another FMS official, the one who had issued the certificate to the Afghan. In general, with great difficulty we managed to persuade him that this was sufficient.

All the while, the FMS official behaved very aggressively, and this was evident from his intonation.

By this time I had rung the Moscow FMS and spoke to the man’s boss. When his boss asked to speak to him, he would not take the phone, and did not believe it was his boss on the line. “Why should I pick up someone else’s phone?” I said to her, “He does not want to speak to you.”

She said, “OK, we’ll do it another way.” After a while, his mobile rang – apparently it was his immediate superior. After this his arrogance somewhat subsided, and he asked if we had any other foreign workers there. I said that yes, we have an Arabic translator.

I then remembered that we have a Ukrainian citizen in our employ. He went to meet him. The Ukrainian citizen had a temporary residence permit.

The FMS chap asked, “And a work permit?” I said, “Work permits were abolished this year for those who have temporary residence permits.” He asked, “Who told you that?” I replied, “You know, the law told me. It’s an amendment to the law.” This was something else that the FMS official did not know. Such is the level of this man…

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Milano, 16 e 17 novembre 2024. Memorial Italia a BookCity Milano.

Memorial Italia partecipa all’edizione 2024 di BookCity Milano con la presentazione degli ultimi due volumi delle collane curate per Viella Editrice e Guerini e Associati. L’involuzione della Russia putiniana: sabato 16 novembre alle 14:30 presso la Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, sala lettura (viale Pasubio, 5) sarà presentato il volume Le trasformazioni della Russia putiniana. Stato, società, opposizione, ultima uscita della collana storica curata da Memorial Italia per Viella Editrice. Intervengono Alberto Masoero, Niccolò Pianciola e Anna Zafesova. Riunendo contributi di storici e scienziati sociali, il volume esplora l’evoluzione della società e del regime russo nell’ultimo decennio, segnato dall’aggressione all’Ucraina iniziata nel 2014 e continuata con la guerra su larga scala a partire dal 2022. I saggi mettono a fuoco la deriva totalitaria del sistema di potere putiniano, analizzando le istituzioni dello stato e le loro relazioni con la società russa, evidenziando come crisi demografica, politiche nataliste e migratorie abbiano ridefinito gli equilibri sociali del paese. Inoltre si concentra sulle sfide che dissidenti, intellettuali, artisti, giornalisti, accademici, minoranze e difensori dei diritti umani affrontano in un contesto sempre più repressivo. Donne nel Gulag. L’universo femminile nel mondo concentrazionario sovietico: domenica 17 novembre alle 15:30 presso Casa della memoria (via Confalonieri 14) sarà presentato il volume La mia vita nel Gulag. Memorie da Vorkuta 1945-1956, ultima uscita della collana Narrare la memoria curata da Memorial Italia per Guerini e Associati. Intervengono Luca Bernardini, Marta Zagórowska e Barbara Grzywacz. L’esperienza concentrazionaria, raccontata in una prospettiva di genere, offre al lettore una nuova ottica di valutazione della memoria storica. Nella sua intensa, dettagliata testimonianza Anna Szyszko-Grzywacz, detenuta politica, reclusa per undici anni nel terribile campo di Vorkuta, ripercorre il suo vissuto personale, raccontando non solo l’orrore e la brutalità della quotidianità del lager, ma anche momenti di gioia e solidarietà femminile e piccole, coraggiose strategie di resistenza.


Verona, 14 novembre 2024. Il caso Sandormoch.

Giovedì 14 novembre alle 16:00 nell’aula co-working del dipartimento di lingue e letterature straniere dell’università di Verona la nostra presidente Giulia De Florio terrà il seminario Riscrivere la storia, proteggere la memoria: il caso di Sandormoch. Giulia De Florio e Andrea Gullotta hanno curato per Stilo Editrice la traduzione italiana del volume Il caso Sandormoch: la Russia e la persecuzione della memoria di Irina Flige, presidente di Memorial San Pietroburgo. Del volume hanno voluto parlare Martina Napolitano, Stefano Savella, Francesco Brusa e Maria Castorani. Nell’immagine il monumento in pietra presente all’ingresso del cimitero di Sandormoch sul quale si legge l’esortazione “Uomini, non uccidetevi”. Foto di Irina Tumakova / Novaja Gazeta.
