Memorial Italia
«La bibliografia dei campi di concentramento in URSS ci appare molto squilibrata, sul piano sia cronologico sia geografico. Quando osserviamo l’insieme di questa bibliografia, notiamo anzitutto che è suddivisa in due parti ineguali. Per una sessantina d’anni, dagli anni venti alla fine degli anni ottanta, i testi sui campi sono piuttosto rari e vengono pubblicati quasi unicamente in Occidente. Al contrario, a partire dalla perestrojka, si assiste a una vera esplosione di testi sul Gulag, pubblicati prevale in Russia, e questa nuova produzione ha già superato tutto quanto era stato pubblicato nel periodo precedente, sia per quantità sia per ricchezza d’informazione.»
da “Aspetti e problemi della bibliografia del Gulag” di Hélène Kaplan, in Gulag, storia e memoria Universale Economica Feltrinelli, Milano , 2004
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- Autore:Gabajdulin, Z.titolo:Ja vam dolžen skazat'…Data:1993Pubblicazione:Volja, 1993, N°1, pp.5-11.Note:I must tell you… Memoirs. The author was arrested in 1947 for illegal absence from work and sentenced to 10 years in a camp, in Kitojlag. He describes the revolt of the prisoners. Later he was in Karlag and fled (this episode was used, inexactly, by Solženicyn, in his "Archipelag").Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USS - Kitojlag - Irkutsk region; . Camps and prisons in the USSR- Karlag (Kazachskaja SSR, Karaganda); Camps and prisons in the USSR-Resistance in the GULAG;Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:yes
- Autore:Gagen-Torn, Nina Ivanovnatitolo:Memoria. [Pred. i poslesl. G.Ju.Gagen-Torn.].Data:1994Pubblicazione:Moskva, Vozvraščenie, 1994, 412 p., ill.Note:The author was deported to Siberia (Far East, Kolyma Basin), from 1948 to 1954.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Kolyma (Far East);Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:yes
- Autore:Galickij, V.P.titolo:Finskie voennoplennye v lagerjach NKVD. 1939-1953 : Monografija. Pod red. V.S.Eščenko.Data:1997Pubblicazione:Moskva, Graal', 1997, 248 p.Note:The Finnish prisoners in the camps of the NKVD. 1939-1953.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR - Prisoners of war.- Finns;Tipo:Studies and pamphlets;Pubblicato in URSS:yes
- Autore:Ganusovskij, Boris K.titolo:10 [desjat'] let za železnym zanavesom. 1945-1955. Zapiski žertv Jalty. Vydača Kazač'ego Korpusa. Obložka i lagernye zarisovki Jurija Zigern-Korn.Data:1983Pubblicazione:San-Francisco, Globus, 1983, 426 p., ill.Note:Ten years behind the Iron curtain. Notes of the victims of Yalta.- Memoirs of a combatant of the 15th Cossack Corps, handed over by the British forces to the Soviets in 1945. Deported to Vorkuta, he was freed in 1955.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Cossacks; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Restistance in the camps;Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Garajuščenko, Ivan Dmitrievičtitolo:Propisan na Kolyme : Povest'.Data:1964Pubblicazione:Magadan, Magadanskoe ki.izd-vo, 1964, 166 p.Note:Registered in Kolyma.- An autobiographical account of the Kolyma camps.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR - Kolyma;Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:yes
- Autore:Garanger, Marctitolo:Carnets sibériens : Un reportage de la Croix-l'Evénement / Jean-François Bouthors et Marc Garanger.Data:1993Pubblicazione:Paris; Editions du Griot, 1993, 142 p., photographs.Note:Photographs (some of them aerial) of the ruins of the camps in the region of Novosibirsk, Irkutsk and Chandyga (Jakutija), realized in 1990, 1991, 1992.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR - Siberia; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Jakutskaja SSR; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Novosibirsk;Tipo:Pictorial works;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Garb, P.titolo:They came to stay : North Americans in the USSR.Data:1986Pubblicazione:Moscow: Progress, 1986, 195 p.Note:Camps and prisons in the USSR - Foreigners in the Gulag - Americans;Parole chiavi:Studies and pamphlets;Tipo:yesPubblicato in URSS:
- Autore:Gavriš, M.M.titolo:Pozovi menia v den' skorbi: Zapiski uznika XX veka. Lit. zapis' Ivanenko, A.Data:2002.Pubblicazione:Pjatigorsk, Sev. Kavkaz. izd-vo "MIL", 2002, 158 p.Note:Call me in the day of sorrow.- At the beginning of the war in the Ukraine, the author is taken prisoner by the Germans, and sent to a camp of prisoners of war. After the war he is arrested in January 1946 in Moscow and sent to a camp of Kolyma near Jagodnyj (Magadan). He is freed in 1956.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR - Kolyma; Camps and prisons in Germany 1940-1945;Tipo:Memories and reminiscences;Pubblicato in URSS:yes
- Autore:Geller, M.; Nekrič, A.titolo:Utopija u vlasti : Istorija Sovetskogo Sojuza s 1917 goda do našich dnej. 2-e izd., ispr. I dop.Data:1986Pubblicazione:London, OPI, 1986, 925 p.Note:Utopia in power. History of the Soviet Union, from 1917 till to-day. .- An important part of the book concerns the camps in the USSR, the deportations of the populations of the newly occupied territories in 1939-1946, the destiny of the former prisoners of the German camps, prisoners' labour in the NKVD enterprises and the. revolts in the camps (1940-1950).Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Resistance in the Gulag; Camps and prisons in the USSR;Tipo:Studies and pamphlets;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Gildi, L.A.titolo:Rasstrely, ssylki, mučen'ja.-Data:1996Pubblicazione:SPb, 1996, 311 p., portr.Note:Executions, banishment, tortures. - The deportation of the Finns-Ingrians of the Leningrad territory in the 30thies. Documents of the rehabilitation of single citizens and of the whole nation. Memoirs of the life in the camps and in the special settlments (Krasnojarsk region, Komi ASSR, Jakutskaja SSR, etc.)Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR - Soviet nationalities - Finns- Ingrians; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Komi ASSR; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Krasnojarsk, region; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Jakutskaja SSR; Political repression in the USSR -Finns-Ingrians;Tipo:Documents and maps; Studies and pamphlets;Pubblicato in URSS:yes
- Autore:Ginzburg, Evgenija S.titolo:Krutoj maršrut. Čast' 1. Khronika vremen kul'ta ličnosti. Čast' 2. Tjur'ma, lager', ssylka.Data:1967, 1979Pubblicazione:Milano, Mondadori, 1967 [- 1979], 2 vol. (475p; 379 p.)Note:Engl.transl. : Into the whirlwind. Italian transl.: La vertigine. Milano, 1967-[1979], 2 vol. (475 p., 375 p.). - Arrested in 1937, freed in 1953, after the camps of Kolyma, Vladivostok, Magadan. The book of Evgenia Ginzburg had a wide resonance and was translated in many languages.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Kolyma (Far East); Camps and prisons in the USSR - Magadan (Far East); Camps and prisons in the USSR - Vladivostok (Far East);Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Gizatullin, Rafat Khabibulovičtitolo:Nas bylo mnogo na čelne…. Dokumental'noe povestvovanie.Data:1993Pubblicazione:Moskva, 1993, 123 p.Note:The author was taken prisoner by the Germans at the beginning of the war. He escaped and returned home through the front line. Arrested by the Soviets, he was sentenced to 10 years in camps : Kotlas, Vorkutlag and Rečlag.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR - Former inmates of German camps and prisons; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Kotlaslag (Archangel'sk, region); Camps and prisons in the USSR - Vorkutlag (Komi ASSR, Archangel'sk, region); Camps and prisons in the USSR - Rečlag (Komi ASSR, Vorkuta);Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:yes
- Autore:Gizejewska, Malgorzatatitolo:Kolyma 1944-1956 we wspomnieniach polskich wiezniow.Data:2000Pubblicazione:Warszawa: PAN ISP, 2000, 257 p;Note:Camps and prisons in the USSR; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Foreigners - Poles;Parole chiavi:Memoirs and testimonies;Tipo:noPubblicato in URSS:
- Autore:Glazov, Nikolaj Aleksandrovičtitolo:Košmar parallel'nogo mira . Zapiski vrača. Pred.: M.N.Glazova.Data:1999Pubblicazione:Novosibirsk, 1999, 170 p.Note:Nightmare of a parallel world. A doctor's notes. - The author, a combattant of the 1st World War and an Arctic explorer, was arrested in 1936 for « counter -revolutionary trotzkyist activity » and spent 23 years in the camps (Vorkuta, Inta).Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR. Camps and prisons in the USSR - Vorkuta (KOMI ASSR); Camps and prisons in the USSR - Inta (Komi ASSR);Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:yes
- Autore:Gliksman, Jerszytitolo:Tell the West…an account of his experiences as a slave laborer in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. -Data:1948Pubblicazione:New York, the Gresham press, 1948, 358 p.Note:Memoirs of a jurist from Warsaw, detained in the Soviet Union from 1939 to 1941.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Foreigners - Poles;Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Gnedin, Evgenij Aleksandrovičtitolo:Vychod iz labirinta: Evgenij Aleksandrovič Gnedin i o nem : Memuary, dnevniki, pis'ma. Sost.: V.Gefter, M.Korallov.Data:1994Pubblicazione:Moskva, Memorial, 1994, 175, portr.Note:Exit from the labyrinth. - The author, son of the revolutionary and businessman A.Parvus, a journalist and diplomat, was arrested in 1939, deported to Ust'vymlag (Komi ASSR), then freed. The books contains letters from the camp.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR; Camps and prisons in the USSR - prisons - Suchanovksja t'ur'ma (Moscow region); Camps and prisons in the USSR - Komi ASSRTipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:yes
- Autore:Godaev, P.O.titolo:Bol' pamjato.Data:2000Pubblicazione:Elista: Džangar, 2000, 352 p.Note:Memoirs of Kalmyks about the deportation of December 1943-January 1944 and their exile in the Krasnojarsk region and the National district of Tajmyr.Parole chiavi:Political repression in the USSR - Kalmyckaja AO SSSR; Political repression in the USSR - Nationalities - Kalmyks; Political repression in the USSR - Specpereselency;Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:yes
- Autore:Golubcova, O.V.titolo:Voennaja l'jubov' po anglijski: Dokum.povest' / Red. Kochurov, N.N.Data:2000Pubblicazione:Severodvinsk, 2000, 55 p.Note:War love in English. - The story of the women who during the WorlWar II were friends with Englishmen of the British naval mission. Almost all of them were arrested and sent to the camps.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR - Women in the camps.Tipo:Fiction/ Memoirs and testimonies.Pubblicato in URSS:yes
- Autore:Gonzalez, Valentin, dit "El Campesino"titolo:La Vie et la mort en URSS. 1939-1949. Transcription de Julian Gorkin. Transl. de Jean Talbot.Data:1950Pubblicazione:Paris, Plon, 1950, 222 p.Note:Cf. also : Yo escogi la esclavitud. 2a ed., Barcelona, 1977. New ed.,compl.. : Jusqu'à la mort. Avec la collab. de Maurice Padiou, Paris, 1978, 301 p. Italian transl. : Vita e morte nell'URSS. A cura di Julian Gorkin, Milano, 1953. General of the 46th division of the Spanish Republican Army, V.Gonzalez was nominated Marshal by Stalin, then deported. Escaped from Russia in 1948.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Foreigners- Spanish;Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Gorčakov, Genrich , (pseud. of El'štejn)titolo:Sud'boj naložennye cepi : Ot Kolymy do Ierusalima.Data:1997Pubblicazione:Ierusalim, Ierusalim. izd. centr, 1997, 242 p.Note:Chains imposed by fate : from Kolyma to Jerusalem.- A continuation of the book entitled L-I-105, completed by new documents on the author's arrest and the investigation of his case, his diary from 1942-1943.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Kolyma; Dissidence in the USSR. 1953 - 1991;Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Gorčakov, Genrich , (pseud. of Elš'tejn)titolo:L-1-105 : Vospominanija.Data:1995Pubblicazione:Ierusalim, Ierusalim. izd. centr, 1995, 319 p., portr.Note:L-1-105. - Memoirs. Son of an advocate shot in 1938, the author relates his arrest in 1944, the investigation of his case, the life in the camps where he spent 8 years : Siblag, Kolyma-osoblag.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Prisons - Butyrki (Moscow); Camps and prisons in the USSR - Siblag (West Siberia) Camps and prisons in the USSR - - Kolyma (Far East), Special « osobye » camps - Kočugan;Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Gorčeva, Alla Jure'vnatitolo:Pressa GULAGa (1918-1955).Data:1996Pubblicazione:Moskva, izd. Mosk. un-ta, 1996, 151 p., ill.Note:The press of the GULAG.- History of the camp press, from 1918 to 1955.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR - Press of the Gulag; Censorship in the USSR;Tipo:Bibliographies; Studies and pamphlets;Pubblicato in URSS:yes
- Autore:Gorbatov, Aleksandr V.titolo:Les années de ma vie. Un général soviétique dans les camps de Staline. Trad.du russe par René Hunyzbucler.Data:1966Pubblicazione:Paris, Stock, 1966, 219 p.Note:Uniform title: Gody i vojny. Engl.transl. : Black Year. - The author, a General of the Soviet army, was arrested and sent to the Kolyma camps. He was freed before the German attack . Later he will become the commandant of Berlin in 1945. His autobiography was the first autobiography published in Soviet Union (and the only one for quite a time) with a detailed description of the life of the prisoners in the camps.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR; Camps and prisons in the USSR -Party members; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Military;Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Gricjak, Evgentitolo:Yevhen Hrycyak. A history of the Noril'sk uprising. Korotkij zapis spogadiv. Dlja sebe samogoData:1980Pubblicazione:Baltimor-Toronto, Smoloskyp, 1980, 117 p.Note:Enrolled in the Red Army in 1944, arrested in 1949 because of his belongins to a nationalist Ukrainian organization, deported to Karaganda, then to Noril'sk, where he participated to the insurrection of 1953.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Soviet nationalities - - Ukrainians Camps and prisons in the USSR - Karaganda (Kazachskaja SSR), Camps and prisons in the USSR - Noril'sk; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Resistance in the campsTipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Gridin, Vtitolo:My, kotorych ne bylo. Vospominanija o GULAGe v stichach i proze.Data:1996Pubblicazione:Odessa, AvstroPrint, 1996, 202 p., portr. (Odesskij Memorial. Vyp.2)Note:We who did not exist. Records of the Gulag in poetry and prose. - By a prisoner in a camp in the Republic of Mordovia (Dubravlag) during the Khrushchev "thaw".Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR-; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Dubravlag (Mordovskaja ASSR);Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:yes
- Autore:Grivačevskij, Boris Evgenovičtitolo:Listi z Solovkiv.Data:1992Pubblicazione:Kiiv, Molod', 1992, 88 p., ill.Note:Letters from Solovki.- Letters of Ukrainian intellectuals deported to the Solovki Islands in the thirties. Memoirs, written and oral, about these persons.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSS - Solovki Islands; Political repression in the USSR - Against artists and scholars; Political repression in the USSR - Soviet nationalities - Ukrainians;.Tipo:Documents and maps; Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:yes
- Autore:Guarnaschelli, Emiliotitolo:Une petite pierre. L'exil, la déportation et la mort d'un communiste italien en U.R.S.S. 1933-1939. Lettres réunies par Nella Masutti. Préf. de Jean Maitron. -Data:1979Pubblicazione:Paris, F.Maspéro, 1979, 327 p., facsimile, portr. .(Actes et mémoires du peuple)Note:Ital.transl: Una piccola pietra, Garzanti, 1982, 380 p. Italian communist, in Moscow from 1933, arrested in 1935, deported to the region of Pinega (Archangelsk). In 1936 was sent to a camp in Siberia, where he died in 1939.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR - Foreigners - Italians; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Pinega (Archangel'sk);Tipo:Documents and maps;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Gvozdkova, L.I.titolo:Istorija repressij i stalinskich lagerej v Kuzbasse.Data:1997Pubblicazione:Kemerovo, Kuzbassvuzizdat, 1997, 515 p.Note:History of the repressions and the stalinist camps in Kuzbass (Mineral basin in Western Siberia)Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR - Kemerovo (Western Siberia, Kuzbass);Tipo:Studies and pamphlets;Pubblicato in URSS:yes
- Autore:Gvozdkova, Ljubov' Il'iničnatitolo:Prinuditel'nyj trud : Ispravite'lno-trudovye lagerja v Kuzbasse (30-50 gg.). T.1 i T.2.Data:1994Pubblicazione:Kemerovo, Kuzbassvuzizdat, 1994, 2 vol. (Kemerovskij Gos.universitet)Note:Forced labour. The corrective labour camps in the Kuzbass . - Contains unpublished archive documents . Vol.1. Economic activity, penitentiary regime, re-educational work. Vol. 2. Camps of the Kemerovo territory : Gornošorškij, Sibirskij, Severokuzbasskij, Južnokuzbasskij) ); instructions, lists of the camps.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR - Kuzbass; Camps and prisons in the USSR -Kemerovo; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Gornošorskij (Kemerovo); Camps and prisons in the USSR - Južnokuzbasskij (Kemerovo); Camps and prisons in the USSR - Severokuzbasskij (Kemerovo); Camps and prisons in the USSR - Sibirskij (Kemerovo);Tipo:Documents and maps; Studies and pamphlets;Pubblicato in URSS:yes