Memorial Italia
«La bibliografia dei campi di concentramento in URSS ci appare molto squilibrata, sul piano sia cronologico sia geografico. Quando osserviamo l’insieme di questa bibliografia, notiamo anzitutto che è suddivisa in due parti ineguali. Per una sessantina d’anni, dagli anni venti alla fine degli anni ottanta, i testi sui campi sono piuttosto rari e vengono pubblicati quasi unicamente in Occidente. Al contrario, a partire dalla perestrojka, si assiste a una vera esplosione di testi sul Gulag, pubblicati prevale in Russia, e questa nuova produzione ha già superato tutto quanto era stato pubblicato nel periodo precedente, sia per quantità sia per ricchezza d’informazione.»
da “Aspetti e problemi della bibliografia del Gulag” di Hélène Kaplan, in Gulag, storia e memoria Universale Economica Feltrinelli, Milano , 2004
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Ricerca avanzata
- Autore:Čaplickij, Bronislav, Osipova, Irinatitolo:Kniga pamjati . Martirolog katoličeskoj cerkvi v SSSR.Data:2000Pubblicazione:Moskva, Serebrjannye niti, 2000, 768 p.Note:List of Catholics repressed in the USSR. Most of them have been imprisoned in the camps.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR - Catholics; Political repression in the USSR - Catholics;Tipo:Reference works;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Cathala, Jeantitolo:Sans fleur ni fusil.Data:1982Pubblicazione:Paris, A.Michel, 1982, 403 p.Note:A member of the French Legation in Estonia, the author was arrested in 1939 by the Soviets and imprisoned in different camps until August 1942.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Foreigners - French;Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Caubet, Etiennetitolo:Rescapé. Récit recueilli par Max Roth.Data:1958Pubblicazione:Paris, Del Duca, 1958, 260 p.Note:A Frenchman, arrested in Toulouse and deported to Germany, escapes, joins the Polish resistance, is arrested and deported to Russia.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR - Foreigners - French; Camps and prisons in the USSR;Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Cederholm, B.titolo:In the clutches of the Tcheka. Transl. F.H.Lyon.Data:1929Pubblicazione:New York, Houghton, 1929, 349 p.Note:The author, a former Imperial naval officer, went to the Soviet Union after 1923 on a commercial mission, was arrested and deported to a camp in the North of Russia.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR - North European part of the USSR;Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Celmina, Helentitolo:Women in the camps and in Soviet prisons. Ill. by the author. Préf. by Ojara Kalnins.Data:1985Pubblicazione:New York, Paragon, 1985, XIII-238 p., ill.Note:Testimonies of a Latvian prisoner on the years 1962-1966 spent by her in the camps, first in Riga, then in the camp N°17 (region of Kazan).Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR -; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Soviet nationalities - Latvians; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Kazan', region;Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Černavin; V.V., Černavina, T.V.titolo:Zapiski « vreditelja ». Pobeg iz GULAGa.Data:1999Pubblicazione:Spb, Kanon,1999, 495 p., ill.Note:V.Chernavin, scientist, worked in the North of Russia where he was arrested. In his memoirs he relates the interrogations by the GPU and the treatment of the prisoners in the camps. He succeded in escaping with his wife and his son and published his memoirs under the tite : I speak for the silent prisoners of the Soviets. London, Hamish Hamilton, 1935, XI-368 p., maps.His wife published her memoirs under the title Pobeg iz GULAGa ( Escape from the GULAG ) where she describes the prisons for women in the USSR.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR Camps and prisons in the USSR - Solovki;Camps and prisons in the USSR - Women in the prisons of the USSR;Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:yes
- Autore:Černeta-Gizatullina, E.I.titolo:I zamiraet duša v razdum'jach… Vospominanija.Data:2000Pubblicazione:Moskva, 2000, 80 p., ill.Note:During a part of the time of her imprisonment (1944 to 1954) the author worked as a nurse in various camps of the Komi ASSR.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR - Vorkuta (Komi ASSR); Camps and prisons in the USSR - Artistic and cultural life in the Gulag; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Women in the Gulag.Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:yes
- Autore:Černova, T.N.titolo:Rossijskie nemcy: otečestvennaja bibliografia. 1991-2000 gg.: ukazatel' novejšej literatury po istorii i kul'tury nemcev Rossii; pred.: Bugaj N.F.Data:2001Pubblicazione:Moskva, 2001, 272 p.Note:A bibliography of circa 2800 titles of books, articles, and titles of periodicals on the Germans in Tzarist and Soviet Russia. Some sections concern the political repression against the Germans.Parole chiavi:Political repression in the USSR - Nationalities - Germans; Political repression in the USSR - Statistics; Political repression in the USSR - SpecpereselencyTipo:Bibliographies;Pubblicato in URSS:yes
- Autore:Četverikov, B.D.titolo:Vsego byvalo na veku. Pred. Četverikova N.L.Data:1991Pubblicazione:Leningrad, 1991, 159 p.Note:The author was arrested in 1945 and spent 10 years in the Khabarovsk region.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR - Khabarovsk, kraj; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Artistic and cultural life in the Gulag; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Women in the Gulag;Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:yes
- Autore:Chejfec, Michailtitolo:Mesto i vremja. Evrejskie zametki.Data:1978Pubblicazione:Paris, Tret'ja volna, 1978, 208 p.Note:The place and the time. Jewish notes.- The imprisonment of the author from 1974 to 1977. Petitions of prisoners.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Soviet nationalities - - Jews;Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Chodorovič, Tatjanatitolo:Istorija bolezni Leonida Pljušča. Sostavlenie i kommentarii Tat'jany Chodorovič.Data:1974Pubblicazione:Amsterdam, Fond im. Gercena, 1974, 208 p., portr. (Serija "Biblioteka Samizdata" n° 5)Note:The story of the illness of Leonid. Pliushch. - Documents and testimoniesParole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR; Biographies - Pliušč, Leonid; DissidenceTipo:Documents and mapsPubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Ciesielski, Stanislawtitolo:Polacy v Kazachstanie.Data:1996Pubblicazione:Wroclaw, Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Wroclawskiego, 1996, 643 p.Note:The Poles in Kazakhstan.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR - Foreigners in the Gulag - Poles; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Kazachskaja SSR;Tipo:Studies and pamphlets;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Cikalenko,L.titolo:Solovec'ka katorga.Data:1931Pubblicazione:Warszawa, 1931. 72 p.Note:The galleys of Solovki Islands. - Documents about Ukrainian prisoners in Soviet labour campsParole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR - Solovki Islands; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Soviet nationalities - Ukrainians;Tipo:Studies and pamphlets;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Ciliga, Antetitolo:Au pays du grand mensonge.Data:1936Pubblicazione:Paris, Gallimard, 1936, 253 p.Note:Ital.transl. : Dieci anni dietro il sipario di ferro. Roma, 1951, 2 v. Member of the Yugoslav Communist Party and of the Komintern, in USSR after 1926, arrested in 1930 and deported, freed in 1936. The first book on the repression and the camps in the Soviet Union written by a communist.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR; Political repression in the USSR -Resistance - Protests;Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Cilinskij, Ja.Ja.titolo:Zapiski prižiznennogo reabilitirovannogo.Data:1998Pubblicazione:Moskva, Izd-vo AST, 1998 , 480 p.Note:Notes of a man rehabilitated during his lifetime.- An autobiographical novel, based on the author's experience : he was in 1951-1953 in the camp N°4 of Steplag ( Kazachskaja SSR, Karaganda, Džezkazgan).Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR - Džezkazgan (Kazachskaja SSR, Karaganda);Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:yes
- Autore:Čirkin, V.titolo:Po zloj vole; kratkaja povest' o trudnoj žizni ssyl'nych krest'jan. Poslesl. Khantalin R.Data:2000Pubblicazione:Archangel'sk, Pravda Severa, 2000, 128 p.Note:By ill-will : A short story about the difficult life of the exiled peasants.- The de-kulakisation in Byelorussia, the life of theParole chiavi:Political repression in the USSR - Belorusskaja SSR; Collectivisation and de-kulakisation; Political repression in the USSR - Ssyl'noposelency - Archangel'sk, oblast';Tipo:Studies and pamphlets;Pubblicato in URSS:yes
- Autore:Ciszek, Walter J, S.J. Flaherty, Daniel L., S.J.titolo:L"espion" du Vatican. Vingt-trois ans d'activité d'un jésuite en Union soviétique. Trad. de l'américain par R.Virrion.Data:1966Pubblicazione:Mulhouse, Salvator; Paris, Casterman, 1966, 482 p., maps.Note:Uniform title: With God in Russia. - W.Ciszek, an American Jesuit, entered the USSR illegally in 1939, was arrested and sent to a camp behind the Arctic Circle. He was "exchanged" in 1962 for two Russian spies.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Catholics; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Foreigners - Americans; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Arctic region;Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Claudius, W.titolo:A Soviet Isolator.Data:1956Pubblicazione:Oxford: St.Anthony's Colledge, 1956, 191 p.Note:The author was arrested in 1950 as a spy. He was amnestied in 1955.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR - Foreigners in the camps - Germans;Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Conquest, Roberttitolo:Kolyma. The Arctic Death Camps.Data:1978Pubblicazione:London, Macmillan, 1978, 256 p., maps.Note:On the basis of the informations available at the time the author attempted to calculate the numbers of persons deported and deceased in the camps.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR;Tipo:Studies and pamphlets:Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Conquest, Roberttitolo:The great terror: a reassessment. New ed.Data:1990Pubblicazione:London, Sydney, Auckland, Hutchinson, 1990, 570 p.Note:Ital.ed. : Il grande terrore. Le "purghe" di Stalin negli anni Trenta, 1972, 852 p.- A Revised edition in the light of documents become accessible and testimonies published in the Soviet Union after 1986.Parole chiavi:Political repression in the USSR;Tipo:Studies and pamphlets;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Conquest, Roberttitolo:The Nation killers.Data:1970Pubblicazione:New York: Macmillan, 1970, 222 p.Note:Study of the Stalin's deportation of nationalities during World War IIParole chiavi:Political repression in the USSR - Soviet nationalities;Tipo:Studies and pamphlets;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Corneli, Dantetitolo:Il redivivo tiburtino. 24 anni di deportazione in URSSData:1977Pubblicazione:Milano, La Pietra, 1977, 167 p.Note:An Italian Communist, who emigrated to the USSR in 1922, was deported in various camps including Vorkuta, from 1936 to 1960.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Foreigners - Italians; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Vorkuta (Komi ASSR, Archangel'sk, province);Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Critchlow, J.titolo:Repressirovannye narody Sovetskogo Sojuza : Nasledie stalinskich deportacij; Otčet Hel'sinkskoj gruppy po pravam čeloveka.Data:1991Pubblicazione:Moskva: 1991, 98 p.Note:Report of the Helsinki group of human rights, based on the documents collected by the author during his visit to USSR in June-July 1991. 10 nations; Germans, Chechens, Coreans, Tatars of Crimea, Ingushs, Turcs-Mechetians, Kalmyks, Kurds, Balkars.Parole chiavi:Political repression in the USSR - Soviet nationalities;Tipo:Documents and maps;Pubblicato in URSS:yes
- Autore:Csikos, Georgtitolo:Katorga : un Européen dans les camps de la mort soviétique. Récit. En collab. avec François Tamas-Bilière.Data:1986Pubblicazione:Paris, Seuil, 1986, 440 p., facsimile.Note:A young Hungarian, who helped after the war Germans to escape in Austria, is arrested in 1949, sentenced to 25 years in the camps and sent, with Ukrainian nationalists, to Noril'sk. In his book he describes the strikes and revolts in the camp after the death of Stalin. Freed in 1957, he is rehabilitated in 1964Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Foreigners - Hungarians; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Noril'sk; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Resistance in the camps;Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Čuchin, Ivan Ivanovičtitolo:Internirovannaja junost'. Istorija 517-go lagerja internirovannych nemok NKVD SSSR.Data:1995Pubblicazione:Moskva, Memorial, 1995, 62 p.Note:Interned youth. History of the Camp N°517 for German women in Karelia, interned by the NKVD.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR - Foreigners - Germans; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Women in the camps;Tipo:Studies and pamphlets;Pubblicato in URSS:yes
- Autore:Čuchin, Ivan Ivanovičtitolo:Kanaloarmejcy. Istorija stroitel'stva Belomorkanala v dokumentach, cifrach, faktach, fotografijach, svidetel'stvach učastnikov i očevidcev.Data:1990Pubblicazione:Petrozavodsk, Karelija, 1990, 248 p., ill., facsimile.Note:The soldiers of the White Sea Canal. History of the construction of the White Sea Canal in documents, figures, facts, photographs, testimonies of participants and eye-witness's accounts.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR - Belomor canal; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Solovki Islands; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Women in the Gulag;Tipo:Studies and pamphlets;Pubblicato in URSS:yes
- Autore:Czapski, Jozeftitolo:Na nieludzkiej ziemi.Data:1949Pubblicazione:Paryz, Institut literacki, 1949, 321 p., portr.Note:French transl. : Terre inhumaine, Paris, 1949; Engl. Transl. : The inhuman land, N.Y., 1952.- The Soviet prisons and camps during the war of 1939-1940, described by a Polish prisoner, author of many books on the fate of Polish prisoners in the Soviet Union.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR; Camps and prisons in the USSR 1939-1940 - Foreigners - Poles;Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:no