Memorial Italia
«La bibliografia dei campi di concentramento in URSS ci appare molto squilibrata, sul piano sia cronologico sia geografico. Quando osserviamo l’insieme di questa bibliografia, notiamo anzitutto che è suddivisa in due parti ineguali. Per una sessantina d’anni, dagli anni venti alla fine degli anni ottanta, i testi sui campi sono piuttosto rari e vengono pubblicati quasi unicamente in Occidente. Al contrario, a partire dalla perestrojka, si assiste a una vera esplosione di testi sul Gulag, pubblicati prevale in Russia, e questa nuova produzione ha già superato tutto quanto era stato pubblicato nel periodo precedente, sia per quantità sia per ricchezza d’informazione.»
da “Aspetti e problemi della bibliografia del Gulag” di Hélène Kaplan, in Gulag, storia e memoria Universale Economica Feltrinelli, Milano , 2004
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- Autore:Abramkin, Valerij Fëdorovič - Čižov, U.V.titolo:Kak vyžit' v Sovetskoj Tjur'me .Data:1992Pubblicazione:Krasnojarsk, Vostok, 1992, 191 p.Note:How to survive in a Soviet prison.- Advice to those who may become prisoners in the USSR.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR;Tipo:Memoirs and and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:yes
- Autore:Abramov, Eruhamtitolo:Zakon - tajga, prokuror - med'ved'.Data:1988Pubblicazione:Tel-Aviv, Izd.Lim, 1988, 255 p.Note:A description of the camps of the 1940s and 1950s by a professional thief;Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR;Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Abramovitsch, R.A.titolo:Les prisonniers politiques dans la République des Soviets. Rapport à la Commission d'enquête sur la situation des prisonniers politiques instituée par l'Internationale Ouvrière Socialiste [Avec une préface de Brouckère et A.Crispien.]Data:1932Pubblicazione:Bruxelles, l'Eglantine, 1932, 61p.Note:See also the German edition : Berlin, 1930.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR; Political repression in the USSR - Protests;Tipo:Studies and pamphlets;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Adler, Nancititolo:The Gulag survivor : beyond the Soviet system.Data:2001Pubblicazione:New Brunswick, N.J. : Transaction Publishers, 2001, XI-290 p.Note:Camps and prisons in the USSR - Prisoners; Political repression in the USSR; Rehabilitation;Parole chiavi:Studies and pamphlets;Tipo:noPubblicato in URSS:
- Autore:Agrest, Leontitolo:Drugi brzeg Oki.Data:1988Pubblicazione:Warszawa, Neutrino, 1988, 3 v. (230 p.; 232 p.; 271 p.)Note:The other shore of the Oka river. Memoirs of a combatant of Armija Krajowa, arrested in 1944 and detained in various Soviet camps, from 1944 to 1956.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR - Foreigners - Poles; Camps and prisons in the USSR;-Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Alagiani, Pierre, S.J.titolo:Ni la mort ni la vie. Reproduction offset d'après la 9e ed. de l'ouvrage "Mes prisons dans le paradis soviétique", Montréal. Trad . et adaptation française réalisées par Antonio Dragon d'après la 6e ed.italienne.Data:1973Pubblicazione:Paris, Téqui, 1973, 213 p., ill.Note:The author, an italian Jesuit, chaplain in the Italian army in the Soviet Union, was arrested in December 1942 and imprisoned in a camp near Suzdal'. In 1954 he was moved to the camp of the Italian prisoners of war.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR - Foreigners - Italians; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Catholics;Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Albrecht, Karl I.titolo:Der Verratene Sozialismus. Zehn Jahre als hoher Staatbeamter in der Sowjetunion. Hrsg. von der Anti-Komintern.Data:1939Pubblicazione:Berlin-Leipzig, Nibelungen-Verl., 1939, 650 p., ill., phot.Note:Memoirs of a German engineer, member of the KPD, who worked in the Soviet Union from 1924 to 1932. He was arrested in 1932, imprisoned in various camps, but freed in 1934 by the intervention of the German government.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR; Camps and prisons in the USSR -Foreigners - GermansTipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Alekseeva, L.M.titolo:Istorija inakomyslija v SSSR; novejšij period (1th ed.).Data:1984Pubblicazione:Benson, Khronika press, 1984, 427 pNote:History of dissidence in the USSR. - 1950-1980. Description of differents mouvements of dissidents and of the repressions they underwent : national (Armenian, Estonian, Georgian, German, Latvian, Lithuanian, Tatar (Crimean), Turks -Meschet, Ukrainian, ), religious (Adventists, Baptists, Orthodox, Pentecostists), defenders of human rights, socialists, Russian nationalist movement .Parole chiavi:Dissidence in the USSR Political repression in the USSR - Nationalities - Armenians; Political repression in the USSR - Nationalities - Estonians; Political repression in the USSR - Soviet nationalities - Georgians; Political repression in the USSR - Soviet nationalities - Germans; Political repression in the USSR - Soviet nationalities - Latvians; Political repression in the USSR - Soviet nationalities - Lithuanians; Political repression in the USSR - Nationalities - Tatars (Crimean); Political repression in the USSR - Soviet nationalities - Turks; Political repression in the USSR - Soviet nationalities - Ukrainians; Political repression in the USSR - Adventists; Political repression in the USSR - Baptists; Political repression in the USSR - Orthodox; Political repression in the USSR - Pentecostists;Tipo:Studies and pamphlets;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Alekseeva, L.M.titolo:Istorija inakomyslija v SSSR; novejšij period. 2d ed.Data:Pubblicazione:Vil'nus ; Moskva : Vest', 1992, 348 p. (Serija « Istorija inakomyslija »)Note:1th ed. : Benson, Khronika press, 1984, 427 p. - History of dissidence in the USSR. - 1950-1980. Description of differents mouvements of dissidents and of the repressions they underwent : national (Armenian, Estonian, Georgian, German, Latvian, Lithuanian, Tatar (Crimean), Turks -Meschet, Ukrainian, ), religious (Adventists, Baptists, Orthodox, Pentecostists), defenders of human rights, socialists, Russian nationalist movement .Parole chiavi:Dissidence in the USSR Political repression in the USSR - Nationalities - Armenians; Political repression in the USSR - Nationalities - Estonians; Political repression in the USSR - Soviet nationalities - Georgians; Political repression in the USSR - Soviet nationalities - Germans; Political repression in the USSR - Soviet nationalities - Latvians; Political repression in the USSR - Soviet nationalities - Lithuanians; Political repression in the USSR - Nationalities - Tatars (Crimean); Political repression in the USSR - Soviet nationalities - Turks; Political repression in the USSR - Soviet nationalities - Ukrainians; Political repression in the USSR - Adventists; Political repression in the USSR - Baptists; Political repression in the USSR - Orthodox; Political repression in the USSR - Pentecostists;Tipo:Studies and pamphlets;Pubblicato in URSS:yes
- Autore:Amalrik, Andrejtitolo:Neželannoe putešestvie v Sibir'.Data:1970Pubblicazione:New York, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1970, 294 p.Note:Undesired journey to Siberia. - The author, sentences for "parasitism" in the Soviet Union in 1965, was exiled to Siberia.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Siberia;Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Anciferov, N.P.titolo:Iz dum o bylom : vospominanija. Vst. stat'ja : A.I.Dobkin.Data:1992Pubblicazione:Feniks, Kul't .iniciativa, 1992, 512 p., ill.Note:Thoughts about the past. -Memoirs of the historian N.Anciferov. He was arrested in 1929 (accused of participating in a counter-revolutionary organisation « Voskresenie ») and sent to the Solovki Islands. In 1930 he was tried in the « Academic » case and sent to the works on the White Sea canal. He was freed in 1933.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR - Solovki; Political repression in the USSR - Artists, writers, scholars;Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:yes
- Autore:Anciferov, Nikolaj Pavlovičtitolo:Iz dum o bylom : vospominanija. Vstup. stat'ja i sost. A.I.Dobkina.Data:1992Pubblicazione:Moskva, Feniks, 1992, 512-32 p., ill., portr.Note:Thoughts on the past : memoirs. The author was arrested and deported to various camps, from 1929 to 1933, then from 1937 to 1939.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR;Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:yes
- Autore:Andics, Hellmuttitolo:Der Grosse Terror. Von den Anfängen der Russischen Revolution bis zum Tode Stalins.Data:1967Pubblicazione:Wien, Fritz Molden, 1967, 416 p.Note:Political repression in the USSR -Parole chiavi:Studies and pamphlets;Tipo:noPubblicato in URSS:
- Autore:Andreeva, A.A.titolo:Plavan'e k Nebesnomu Kremlju. Podgot. Antonjan G.M.Data:1998Pubblicazione:Moskva: Red.žurn. "Uranija", 1998, 287 p., ill.Note:The author, a painter, was arrested in 1947 and freed in 1956. She worked in the theater of the camp of Mordovia.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR - Mordovskaja ASSR; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Artistic and cultural life in the Gulag;Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Applebaum, Annetitolo:Gulag: a history.Data:2003Pubblicazione:New York: Doubleday; 2003. 677 p.Note:Prisons and camps in the USSR;Parole chiavi:Studies and pamphlets;Tipo:noPubblicato in URSS:
- Autore:Armanski, Gerhardtitolo:Maschinen des Terrors : das Lager (KZ und Gulag) in der Moderne.Data:1993Pubblicazione:Münster, Westfälisches Dampfboot, 1993, 206 p.Note:Camps and prisons in the USSR; Camps and prisons in Germany;Parole chiavi:Studies and pamphlets;Tipo:noPubblicato in URSS:
- Autore:Armstrong, Terencetitolo:Russian Settlement in the North.Data:1965Pubblicazione:Cambridge, University press, 1965, XII-224 p. - (Scott Polar Research Institute. Special publication n°3)Note:The prisons and camps in North Russia, in Tsarist and Soviet times.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSRTipo:Studies and pamhlets;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Artem'ev, V.P.titolo:Režim I ochrana ispravitel'no-trudovych lagerej MVD.Data:1956Pubblicazione:Mjunchen, In-t po izučeniju SSSR, 1956, 221 p. (Issledovanija i materialy. Ser.1, vyp.26)Note:The regime and the protection of the camps of rehabilitation through labour of the MVDParole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR; Legislation;Tipo:Studies and pamphlets;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Atholl, Katarina, Duchess oftitolo:The conscription of a people.Data:1931Pubblicazione:London, Ph.Allan, 1931, X-206 p., facsimile.-Note:2d edition : London, Ph.Allan, 1932. Study of the forced labour system, considered as a necessity for the realization of the Five Year Plan.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR;Tipo:Studies and pamphlets;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Averbach, I.L.titolo:Ot prestuplenija k trudu. [Red. : A.Ja.Vyšinskij].Data:1936Pubblicazione:Moskva, Sov. zakonodatel'stvo, 1936, 226 p. ill. (Akademija nauk SSSR. Institut sovetskogo stroitel'stva i prava)Note:From crime to labour. - One of the few Soviet theoretical studies on the camps for re-education through labour (the construction of the canal Moscow-Volga).Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR;Tipo:Studies and pamphlets;Pubblicato in URSS:yes